What does a developer do. They do infinite tasks, most of which are intangible, but they are critically important to the success of a project. Being a developer is a full-time job. So, what happens if you own land and have aspirations to build a project but you have a day job and don’t possess development skills. That’s where Allied8 can help. We can guide you through your development project by serving as your developer either along the entire journey or only at the stages where you need the most help. We can assist with small and mid-sized projects (considered “missing middle housing” – the kind of housing our city needs the most). Below are some examples of what we can do for you and your project.

PROJECT VISION. Allied8 is adept at helping landowners determine the best use for you and your land including considering other properties in your portfolio, how they can be leveraged, assistance with possible adjacent land acquisitions and identifying funding sources for land acquisitions. We can quickly determine the value of your land and what it can, should or shouldn’t be leveraged to do based on your personal financial circumstances.

FEASIBILITY. You’ve probably heard of a "feasibility study," usually done by an architect. They typically assess whether design options meet all relevant codes. But Allied8 goes further and vets those design options against construction cost, market forces, and funding sources. Because we are architects and developers, we know how to integrate designs with total development cost. An Allied8 “Feasibility Study” gives you more bang for your buck.

ENTITLEMENTS. There will be many jurisdictional hurdles to get your project built. Depending on the kind of land you have, you may need permits at the municipal level, the county level, the state level and/or the federal level. We can identify and navigate all jurisdictions having authority and simultaneously identify if there are any exemptions, waivers or latecomer agreements that could significantly improve your timeline and/or bottom line.

OWNER'S REPRESENTATION. An owner’s representative acts solely on behalf of the owner’s interest and acts as a project manager for the owner’s development. An owner’s rep can see the next steps and put them in the right sequence, so the project keeps moving forward. The owner’s rep helps build the team and can identify where additional skills are needed. Most importantly, the owner’s rep communicates, tracks and responds so balls don’t get dropped.

FUNDING STRATEGY. We have many strategic relationships with organizations in the grant and loan sectors. We can write grants, and we can navigate the differences between for profit lenders and CDFI grants/loans to secure funding. Regardless of whether you’re a community organization or a private landowner, we can strategize capital stack options for your project.

PROJECT BUDGETING + SCHEDULING. A total development budget can only be done if you’ve developed projects before. Allied8 can build a realistic budget including soup to nuts costs. The goal is to eliminate as many unknowns as possible which is the best way to manage risk. Allied8 can help build a realistic schedule with built-in agility to ensure delays (there will always be delays) don’t derail the project.